Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil Weather
Current: 22.13°C/71.83°F, Wind SW at 46.69 km/h, 81% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Rio Grande Do Norte over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Rio Grande Do Norte in the coming days
- Rainfall in Rio Grande Do Norte in the coming days
- Rio Grande Do Norte Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Rio Grande Do Norte's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Overcast Clouds
Pressure: 1,014 hPa
Sea level: 1,014 hPa
Temperature: 22.51°C
Cloud: 93%
Humidity: 81%
Wind: E 17.68 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 33.55°C
- Average low 23.72°C
- Hottest day (23 October 2024) 34.9°C
- Coldest day (22 October 2024) 22.2°C
- Average humidity 51.47%
- Days with precipitation 2 days
- Highest precipitation 0.18 mm (17 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 36°C
- Min: 20°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Rio Grande Do Norte over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Rio Grande Do Norte in the coming days
Rainfall in Rio Grande Do Norte in the coming days
Rio Grande Do Norte Climate Summary
Rio Grande Do Norte features a Subtropical steppe (Köppen classification: BSh), with an average annual temperature of 29.82ºC (85.68ºF), which is about 4.1% higher than the national average for Brazil. Annually, the city experiences approximately 34.46 millimeters (1.36 inches) of rainfall, spread across 72.71 rainy days, accounting for 19.92% of the year.
Longitude | -5.4025803 |
Latitude | -36.954107 |
Yearly high temperature | 34.01ºC (93.22ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 23.12ºC (73.62ºF) |
Hottest month | February 34.24ºC (93.63ºF) |
Coldest month | August 21.65ºC (70.97ºF) |
Yearly precip | 34.46mm (1.36in) |
Days with rainfall | 72.71 days (19.92%) |
Driest month | October (55.76%) |
Wettest month | March (68.48%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 34.39° / 24.48° | 7.45 days |
February | 34.24° / 24.3° | 10.27 days |
March | 33.82° / 24.13° | 12.45 days |
April | 33.19° / 23.5° | 10.73 days |
May | 32.85° / 22.81° | 10.73 days |
June | 32.37° / 22.17° | 8.82 days |
July | 32.1° / 21.79° | 7.36 days |
August | 33.88° / 21.65° | 1.18 days |
September | 34.93° / 22.21° | 0.73 days |
October | 35.66° / 22.84° | 0.36 days |
November | 35.66° / 23.42° | 0.45 days |
December | 35.02° / 24.09° | 2.18 days |
Rio Grande Do Norte's weather
- Abolição
- Alexandria
- Apodi
- Arês
- Augusto Severo
- Ceará-Mirim
- Currais Novos
- Dom Jaime Câmara
- Emaús
- Extremoz
- Goianinha
- Jaçanã
- Lagoa Nova
- Natal
- Nordeste
- Nova Cruz
- Nova Parnamirim
- Ponta Negra
- Quintas
- Rocas
- Santa Delmira
- São José de Mipibu
- Governador Dix-Sept Rosado
- Redinha
- Potengi
- Mossoró
- Pitimbú
- Macaíba
- Grossos
- Angicos
- Cruzeta
- Alecrim
- Baraúna
- Mãe Luíza
- Ipanguaçu
- Doze Anos
- Bom Jesus
- Nossa Senhora da Apresentação
- Planalto
- Parelhas
- Pajuçara
- Jucurutu
- Neópolis
- Guarapés
- Florânia
- Caraúbas
- Brejinho
- Barrocas
- São Gonçalo do Amarante
- Nossa Senhora de Nazaré
- João Câmara
- Cidade Nova
- Cidade Alta
- Capim Macio
- Açu
- São Miguel
- Santa Cruz
- Pendências
- Parnamirim
- Lagoa Azul
- Candelária
- Bom Jardim
- Bom Pastor
- Jardim de Piranhas
- São José do Campestre
- Alto de São Manoel
- Caiçara do Norte
- Passagem de Areia
- Cidade da Esperança
- Alto do Rodrigues
- Carnaúba dos Dantas
- Tirol
- Macau
- Itajá
- Igapó
- Caicó
- Acari
- Pau dos Ferros
- Filipe Camarão
- Afonso Bezerra
- Alto do Sumaré
- Belo Horizonte
- Barro Vermelho
- São Paulo do Potengi
- Rosa dos Ventos
- Nova Descoberta
- Dix-Sept Rosado
- Santo Antônio
- Lagoa do Mato
- Campo Redondo
- Boa Esperança
- Canguaretama
- Baía Formosa
- Areia Branca
- Patu
- Boa Vista
- Aeroporto
- Alto da Conceição
- Área de Expansão Urbana Turística e Rural
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Rio Grande Do Norte?
February has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 34.24ºC) and August are the coolest (daily mean of 21.65ºC).
2. What should I wear in Rio Grande Do Norte today?
For today's very hot weather in Rio Grande Do Norte, with the high temperatures above 38ºC (100.4ºF), consider wearing:
- Broad-brimmed sun hat
- Ultra-thin, breathable socks
- Lightweight, loose-fitting shorts
- UV-blocking sunglasses
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 313.76
- NH3 0.2
- NO 0
- NO2 0.22
- O3 66.52
- PM10 1.82
- PM25 0.84
- SO2 0.07