Sergipe, Brazil Weather
Current: 24.51°C/76.12°F, Wind SW at 24.84 km/h, 59% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Sergipe, Brazil Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Sergipe over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Sergipe in the coming days
- Rainfall in Sergipe in the coming days
- Sergipe Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Sergipe's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Clear Sky
Pressure: 1,017 hPa
Sea level: 1,017 hPa
Temperature: 24.56°C
Cloud: 0%
Humidity: 59%
Wind: SE 22.28 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 27.31°C
- Average low 20.86°C
- Hottest day (09 October 2024) 31.1°C
- Coldest day (14 September 2024) 19.45°C
- Average humidity 65.33%
- Days with precipitation 10 days
- Highest precipitation 2.16 mm (13 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 30°C
- Min: 17°C
- Total Precipitation: 0.43 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Sergipe over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Sergipe in the coming days
Rainfall in Sergipe in the coming days
Sergipe Climate Summary
Sergipe features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna ('summer' dry season) (Köppen classification: As), with an average annual temperature of 26.32ºC (79.38ºF), which is about 0.6% higher than the national average for Brazil. Annually, the city experiences approximately 30.98 millimeters (1.22 inches) of rainfall, spread across 89.74 rainy days, accounting for 24.59% of the year.
Longitude | -10.5740934 |
Latitude | -37.3856581 |
Yearly high temperature | 29.92ºC (85.86ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 20.87ºC (69.57ºF) |
Hottest month | March 32.38ºC (90.28ºF) |
Coldest month | August 18.59ºC (65.46ºF) |
Yearly precip | 30.98mm (1.22in) |
Days with rainfall | 89.74 days (24.59%) |
Driest month | December (72.45%) |
Wettest month | July (84.73%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 31.73° / 21.89° | 4.91 days |
February | 31.82° / 22.61° | 5.55 days |
March | 32.38° / 22.81° | 7.18 days |
April | 31.07° / 21.91° | 8.09 days |
May | 29.53° / 21.05° | 8.45 days |
June | 27.76° / 20.03° | 12.55 days |
July | 26.54° / 19.17° | 13.64 days |
August | 26.98° / 18.59° | 10.64 days |
September | 28.08° / 19.31° | 7.91 days |
October | 29.97° / 20.32° | 4.36 days |
November | 31.26° / 21.15° | 3.64 days |
December | 31.88° / 21.65° | 2.82 days |
Sergipe's weather
- Agrovila
- América
- Boquim
- Campo do Brito
- Capela
- Centro
- Coroa do Meio
- Farolândia
- Ilha das Flores
- Indiaroba
- Japãozinho
- Jardins
- Laranjeiras
- Mamede Paes Mendonça
- Neópolis
- Poço Redondo
- Ponto Novo
- Porto da Folha
- Rosa Elze
- Santa Maria
- Santos Dumont
- São José
- Suíça
- Treze de Julho
- Agrovila do Pa Antonio Conselheiro
- Itaporanga d'Ajuda
- Barra dos Coqueiros
- Ademar de Carvalho
- Ribeirópolis
- Porto Dantas
- Pereira Lobo
- Novo Paraíso
- Itabaianinha
- Areia Branca
- Nossa Senhora das Dores
- Nossa Senhora da Glória
- Monte Alegre de Sergipe
- Tobias Barreto
- Siqueira Campos
- Novo Horizonte
- Inácio Barbosa
- Getúlio Vargas
- Complexo Jardim
- Açuzinho
- Adique
- Aeroporto
- Agrovila do Pa Borda da Mata
- Agrovila do Pa Cachoeirinha
- Aquidabã
- Aracaju
- Atalaia
- Bugio
- Canindé de São Francisco
- Carira
- Carmópolis
- Cedro de São João
- Cidade Nova
- Cirurgia
- Complexo Taiçoca
- Cristinápolis
- Dezoito do Forte
- Estância
- Frei Paulo
- Gragerú
- Industrial
- Itabaiana
- Jabotiana
- Japaratuba
- Jardim Centenário
- José Conrado de Araújo
- Lagarto
- Lamarão
- Luzia
- Malhador
- Maruim
- Olaria
- Pedrinhas
- Poço Verde
- Propriá
- Riachuelo
- Rosário do Catete
- Rotary Club
- Salgado
- Santo Amaro das Brotas
- Santo Antônio
- São Conrado
- São Cristóvão
- São Domingos
- Serrano
- Simão Dias
- Soledade
- Umbaúba
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Sergipe?
March has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 32.38ºC) and August are the coolest (daily mean of 18.59ºC).
2. What should I wear in Sergipe today?
For today's very hot weather in Sergipe, with the high temperatures above 30ºC (86.0ºF), consider wearing:
- Sleeveless tops or vests
- Ultra-thin, breathable socks
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
- Airy sandals or flip-flops
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 211.95
- NH3 0.27
- NO 0.03
- NO2 0.21
- O3 53.64
- PM10 3.28
- PM25 1.12
- SO2 0.09